Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Laboratory of David Epel in 1995

Originally uploaded by Henrik Kibæk.

The Epel Lab at Hopkins Marine Station in the Spring of 1995

From left David Epel, Barbara Toomey, Henrik Kibak, Beth Shomer, Melissa Kaufman, Yuzuru Ikeda, Barney Rees, and Chris Patton.

I loved working in this lab. Dave is a biologist's biologist. The range of projects was so exciting. I had come from the Taiz Lab at UC Santa Cruz, where I was practically the only US citizen, to this lab where only Yuzuru was from overseas. Yet one could not have assembled a more diverse group of people! No one had anything in common, except uniformly good humor and a love (tolerance?) of the same radio station - KPIG!

This photo was the one used on that first lab website, taken just outside the lab. Yes, that's the Monterey Bay in the background, and those are just clouds... not a chain of snowcapped volcanic peaks :-)

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