Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ft. Ord Flowers & Animals April 16, 2005 - a photoset on Flickr

Originally uploaded by Henrik Kibæk.

Fort Ord used to be a military base until about 1994. Most of the developed acreage was then turned over to a variety of public agencies and municipalities, including California State University Monterey Bay. As the huge undeveloped portion, where generations of rapid response light infantry had trained, was cleared of unexploded ordnance, it was gradually turned over to the US Bureau of Land Management.

Former military bases turn out to be great botanical preserves, at least in California, where so many special plant communities have been decimated by suburban development. The approximately 10 x 10 kilometer "Fort Ord Public Lands" contains the largest remaining patch of Maritime Chaparral outside of Mexico, as well as many fine vernal pools.

Here is a photo journal of a 2005 botanical foray led by BLM Botanist Bruce Delgado:

Ft. Ord Flowers & Animals April 16, 2005 - a photoset on Flickr

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